Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Metro Ride

I hate riding the metro by myself. The constant stop and go. The feeling that you’re picking up every single virus known to man (plus some) every time your hand touches the seat, the pole, anything. Being surrounded by people, yet still feeling lonely. There’s set of unspoken rules here that most everyone abides by: head down, eyes averted. People-watch if you must, but avoid eye contact at all costs. Forget how to smile. Your smile is no good here. Smiling invites conversation, which you’re not about to have. Just keep your eyes closed or fastened on your e-reader or cell phone. You’re all on the train together, but you’re not “in this together”. Or—that’s what it seems like, at least. Every now and then, something happens that helps to remind me that I’m surrounded by people, real living, breathing, heart-pumping, blood-rushing humans. A well-dressed, middle aged businessman stops a girl from falling over as the train stops, starts again, then lurches to a stop. A young woman offers her seat to a much older woman standing by the door. A man and woman defy the rules of Metro Ride Etiquette and strike up a conversation over a book in the man’s hand. We are people, people who crave words and interaction with other people—why do we allow ourselves so often to get tricked out of this fact?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog! (I saw your post on your hair on facebook lol) This is Natalie btw:) Haha I'm sorry but I just had to comment on this, this is so TRUE!
    Everytime I get on the metro alone, I feel the same way. One time it was just me and a few other people on the train and I actually remember thinking "Woah...these people have entire lives behind them." And it sounds stupid typing that but really at the time it was like I was looking at them differently, like each one of them had some sort of special and unique story hiding behind thier blank faces.

    Anyways, this blog also reminded me of what my teacher was talking about today. He was born in the 50s, and he was complaining about how nowadays, when people are waiting for the shuttle bus, they'll text thier friends while waiting. He got so frustrated, saying that in his day, he'd strike up a convo with the person next to him, and they'd be like bffs the next day lol.

    Haha sorry this is so long but this just totally connected to the day I had and I just had to say something:)
